Hing Benefits, Uses, Side Effects

What do you know about the properties of Pure Hing? Do these properties have a scientific basis? Which type of Hing (Asafoetida) are the mentioned properties? Bitter or sweet?

Note: When Buy Hing wholesale from Iran, be sure to pay attention to the fact that there are different types of Hing in Iran according to the different types of Ferula and the type of seeds.

In other articles related to Hing on the Phaidyme Company website, I mentioned some properties of Hing.

Product: Pure Asafoetida Hing Supplier

In this article, based on the latest studies conducted in connection with Hing in Iran and the world, I will discuss the pharmacological effects of Hing.

Note: the phrase “Asafoetida plant” is not correct; because “Asafoetida (Hing)” is the name of the gum resin that is extracted from the produces plant.

Note: In some parts of this article, the names of people are mentioned, and these people are all specialists who have conducted studies on Hing about their various uses.

Article: Hing Benefits For Male

The compounds in Hing have several Pharmacological effects that have been reported in laboratory and clinical research, including:

  • Inhibiting the effect of Histamine on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Stimulation of Mucin secretion in the stomach
  • Antioxidant effect
  • Inhibition of the enzyme responsible for the invasion of cancer cells
  • Stimulation of insulin production
  • Inhibition of the effect of Acetylcholine on vascular smooth muscle

Article: tragacanth gum benefits for male and female

Recent pharmacological and biological studies on Hing have shown various activities, such as:

  • Antioxidants
  • Antibacterial
  • Antivirus
  • Antiparasitic
  • Fungicides

Properties of Hing for the liver

Mr. Dandagi (P M Dandagi) and colleagues investigated the effects of Hing on Hepatotoxicity.

In this study (2008) it was shown that Hing can have liver protective effects by reducing serum enzymes. Enzymes such as:

  • Glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (SGPT)
  • Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)
  • Alkaline phosphatase (ALK.P)

Hing (Heeng) in a certain dose can regulate liver enzymes, but in a high dose it can cause toxicity to the liver.


It has been reported (2010), the prescription of Farnesiferol, which is one of the important components of Hing; can be effective in inhibiting vascular endothelium growth factor.

Inhibition of this growth factor inhibits cancer cells in proliferation, migration, invasion, vascular formation, and connective tissue production.

Oral administration of Hing to laboratory mice inhibited the growth of Breast cancer caused by the prescription of N-Nitroso-N-methylurea.

In this study, it is reported that the prescription of Hing causes stimulation in the activity of:

  • Glutathione S-transferase (GST)
  • Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  • Catalase
  • Glutathione

Also, Hing has caused the restoration of the Antioxidant system caused by the prescription of Nitrous urea.

In a long-term study (2003), it was shown that:

«Hing prescription prevents the growth of Breast cancer cells caused by the administration of Nitrous urea and delays the latent time until the appearance of cancer.»

In another study (2001), the prescription of a carcinogenic substance on the skin, which weakens the

Antioxidant system in skin cells and causes the formation of cancer cells, with pretreatment of Hing

(Asafoetida), restores the Antioxidant system and prevents skin cells from becoming cancerous.

According to a study (2006):

«Metalloproteinase enzyme produced by cancer cells plays an important role in stimulating the invasion of cancer cells and causing inflammation.»

This study showed that:

«Prescribing Hing inhibited the activity of Metalloproteinase and thus inhibited the invasion of cancer cells.»

In a study (1990), Oral administration of extracts of Asafoetida (Hing) could increase the percentage of life span in mice by 52.9%.

Garlic extract and Asafoetida extracts also inhibited two stage chemical carcinogenesis induced by “7, 12 dimethyl benzanthracene” and croton oil on mice skin with significant reduction in papiloma formation.

In a study (2009), the Antioxidant properties of Hing in inhibiting DNA damage by Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) were compared to Ascorbic acid.

The results showed that:

«The effect of Hing in this case is stronger than Ascorbic acid.»


According to a study (2004), administering Hing (Heeng) to female mice from the first to the seventh day of pregnancy prevented pregnancy in 65 to 85 percent of the mice.

It has been claimed that Pure Asafoetida does not have estrogenic properties and only because of inhibiting the enzyme responsible for carbohydrate metabolism in the uterus, it has the effect of preventing pregnancy.

Nervous system

The traditional uses of Hing and the recent studies that have been done; refer to the effects of Hing on the functioning of the nervous system, especially the protection of the nerves and the stimulating effect on the nerves.

The sedative effects of Hing and its compounds have been investigated on different types of smooth muscle.

In a study on guinea pigs, the sedative effect of Hing extract on tracheal smooth muscle was investigated.

Probiotic studies show that the stomach microbiome has important effects on the secretion of compounds that affect the nervous system.

The stomach microbiome tries to control the intestinal bacterial agents and replace them with more suitable agents.

For example, through probiotics or through the removal of inappropriate compounds with the help of various drugs such as Hing (Asafoetida), which cause the compounds that are secreted and affect the nervous system to become more suitable, and as a result, the functioning of the nervous system improves.

Digestive system

In general, spices are considered to enhance the flow of saliva and the secretion of gastric compounds, and digestion.

Stimulating effects on the digestion of substances, are probably due to the stimulation of digestive enzymes.

A group of spices and their possible effects on pancreatic digestive enzymes have been tested in laboratory rats.

Among them, Asafoetida significantly increased pancreatic lipase activity and also stimulated pancreatic amylase.

The effect of Hing (2004) on the contraction of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract showed that this substance can neutralize the smooth muscle contractions caused by the effect of histamine.

Also, it has been reported (2000) that:

«Asafoetida resin prevents stomach ulcers caused by aspirin consumption. This prevention is due to the stimulation of Mucin secretion in the stomach rather than the reduction of acid and Pepsin production.»

One of the reasons for the significant consumption of Iranian Hing in India is its positive effect on the digestive system.

Hing has anti-flatulent properties and this can facilitate digestion.


Asafoetida resin protects pancreatic cells from damage caused by the administration of Alloxan.

What is Alloxan?

There is a compound called “Alloxan” used to make rats diabetic in the laboratory. This compound is injected into mice and causes diabetes in the rat.

In a study (2010) it has been shown that the administration of Hing decreased blood sugar in diabetic rats and increased insulin concentration in them.

In this study, Hing was injected into mice along with Alloxan, which destroyed pancreatic beta cells not to occur, but to decrease and prevent diabetes.

Note: In the above study, diabetes was created, but the destruction of beta cells was significantly reduced.

Hing probably lower blood glucose by:

  • Stimulation of synthesis
  • Insulin secretion
  • Hyperplasia of remaining pancreatic beta cells

Mr. Ebrahim Latifi and colleagues (a group of Iranian experts) investigated the anti-diabetic effect and blood lipid reduction of Asafoetida ethanol extract on 42 male rats.

Their study (2019) showed:

«Ethanol extract of Hing with a dose of 150 mg per kilogram, 42 days after the start of treatment, has significant anti-diabetic activity, a significant decrease in blood sugar, and an increase in serum insulin.

Also, severe reduction of liver and kidney function markers in treated rats indicated the protective effects of Asafoetida ethanol extract on the liver and kidney, while body weight increased.»

Blood pressure control

In a study (2004), the effect of Hing on the contractions of the isolated tissue of guinea pig was investigated due to the effect of the following factors:

  • Acetylcholine
  • Histamine
  • Potassium chloride

These results showed:

«Asafoetida resin inhibits the contractions caused by the above substances on the smooth muscle.»

The researchers concluded that this effect of Hing (Asafoetida) resin is effective in inhibiting the increase in blood pressure.


In recent decades, the use of plant extracts in pharmaceutical and biomedical fields has attracted a lot of attention.

Antimicrobial properties of Hing , hing benefits , hing side effects , asafoetida side effects , asafoetida medicinal uses , side effects of asafoetida , side effects of hing , hing uses , asafoetida uses
Antimicrobial properties of Hing , hing benefits , hing side effects , asafoetida side effects , asafoetida medicinal uses , side effects of asafoetida , side effects of hing , hing uses , asafoetida uses

Hing can be considered a suitable source for controlling bacterial contamination due to its acceptable antimicrobial performance against a variety of bacteria.

The mechanisms effective in the antimicrobial effect of Hing are:

  • Quorum sensing system control
  • Strengthening the effectiveness of antibiotics through the combination of Galbanic acid.
  • Bacterial cell membrane destruction and ion and electrolyte leakage through sulfur compounds
  • Diffusion pump harness
  • Lipophilicity through Terpenoid compounds

According to the study (2007) by Mr. Shahvardi et al. (a group of Iranian experts), Galbanic acid enhances the action of Penicillin G and cephalexin against Staphylococcus aureus.

Galbanic acid (one hundred mg/ml) reduced the minimum inhibitory concentration of Penicillin G and Cephalexin from 64 to 1 and from 128 to 1, respectively.

The strengthening effect of Galbanic acid on other antibiotics such as Tetracycline and Ciprofloxacin has been confirmed.

Galbanic acid has also been shown to modulate the resistance of drug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus by inhibiting the output diffusion pump.

In 2015, Mr. S. D. Patil and colleagues investigated the antibacterial effect of Hing against the following in vitro:

  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • E. coli
  • Klebsiella pneumonia

They also investigated the antifungal effect of Hing against Aspergillus Niger and Candida albicans in vitro.

According to their study:

«Ethanol, methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of Asafoetida have a significant effect on the above cases and they can be used as new antibiotic compounds.»

In a study, the antibacterial activity of Asafoetida against both resistant and sensitive staphylococcus strains to Methicillin was reported at a concentration of half to four microliters per milliliter.

Ms. Divya (K. Divya) and colleagues also evaluated the morphological changes of the bacterial and fungal walls treated with Hing by electron microscopy. They observed that the bacterial cell wall membrane was damaged in the presence of Hing.

According to their findings (2014):

«Sulfur compounds are responsible for the antimicrobial activity of Hing by disrupting the cytoplasmic membrane that causes leakage of ions and electrolytes.»

In addition, Terpenoid compounds such as Alpha-Pinene act against a wide range of microorganisms.

Terpenoid compounds, which have a strong lipophilic nature, exert their effect by targeting the cell membrane and disrupting the stability of the cell membrane, resulting in the loss of chemical osmotic control.

The synergistic activity of disulfides and Terpenoid compounds plays an important role in the antibacterial activity of Asafoetida.

In another study (2009), the antimicrobial effect of Asafoetida resin on the following strains was reported:

  • Streptococcus pyrogens
  • Streptococcus pyrogens


In a study (2007), the effect of Hing essential oil against the agents producing Mucormycosis was investigated and the inhibited results of the isolates were analyzed.

In another study (1992), Asafoetida extracts at a concentration of 5 to 10 mg/liter prevented the production of aflatoxin by Aspergillus parasiticus.


In 2008, an in vitro study showed the antiviral activity of Heeng (Hing) against some strains of Human Rhinovirus.

What are Rhinovirus strains?

They are strains that cause respiratory diseases in humans.

According to this study:

Cytopathic effects in HELA cells suspended by HRV (human rhinovirus) were dose-dependently and selectively inhibited by Asafoetida resin and gum.

Ms. Lee (Chia-Lin Lee) and colleagues evaluated the antiviral activity of Hing Coumarins against the Influenza A virus (H1N1).

In this experiment (2009), the following compounds Compared to Amantadine as a standard antiviral, they showed the highest antiviral activity:

  • Galbanic Acid
  • Farnesiferol
  • Conferol

These Hing compounds had similar effects to Amantadine, and for this reason, these compounds may be used to produce new antiviral drugs.


The Asafoetida plant is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of parasitic infections, and many studies have reported the Anti-Leishmanial and Anti-Giardia properties of this plant.

These effects have been attributed to the Cytotoxic activity of Hing extract.

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Antiparasitic properties of Hing , hing benefits , hing side effects , asafoetida side effects , asafoetida medicinal uses , side effects of asafoetida , side effects of hing , hing uses , asafoetida uses , properties of Hing for cancer

What do you know about the Giardia parasite?

This parasite exists in the water of most regions of the world, and sometimes it even finds its way into purified city water.

Fighting these parasites is very important, especially for preventing intestinal infections in children.

Giardia parasite by causing diarrhea and disrupting the absorption of food causes stop or slow growth in children.

Intestinal parasite infections have a global distribution and are one of the most important health and economic problems for millions of people in most of the world.

It has been reported (2003) that the resin extracted from the root and stem of the Asafoetida plant effectively inhibited the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis compared to Metronidazole in the laboratory environment.

According to a study (2004), oral administration of oil and Asafoetida powder to mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni parasite showed:

«Hing powder has been more effective than its oil in reducing the number of worms and eggs of this parasite.»


In the review (2008) of the insecticidal effect of plant extracts:

  • Asafoetida
  • Oleander
  • Lavender

It was determined on Ephestia kuhniella and flour louse that:

«Compared to the other two plants, Asafoetida extract has the most insecticidal properties.»

Get rid of pests

In some regions of Iran, farmers use Hing to keep away insects and pests from orchards and fields due to their pungent smell.

Studies have been conducted in Iran to keep away pests such as the following:

  • Olive Psylla
  • Agonoscena pistaciae
  • Mediterranean fruit fly

Article: Olive Psyllid Treatment With Asafoetida

Hing and horse digestion

In a study, Iranian researchers investigated the effect of Asafoetida and raisin tail (under the influence of Tannin compounds) on the digestion and absorption of horses, which had favorable results.

The combination made of Hing and raisin tail controlled and restrained the gases that were created due to flatulence in the horse’s stomach. This combination had a probiotic help mode.

Also, this compound had good anti-parasitic effects on horses.

Tannin compounds are bitter compounds and reduce the nutritional value of forage.

Note: Coumarin compounds cause a sharp decrease in blood concentration; So that if animals eat foods such as “Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall.” or foods that contain Coumarin compounds in their ingredients; if their feet are injured in nature for any reason, it will cause bleeding.

Therefore, when producing medicines and food supplements using Coumarin compounds, you should also pay attention to the fact that it does not cause problems for animals and care about their lives as well.

The main composition of Hing on fungal and bacterial agents

One of the questions that are frequently asked by Phaidyme experts regarding Hing compounds is, Which Hing compounds do you think are more effective on ectomyelois ceratoniae, psylla, fungal agents, and bacterial agents?

Answer: Galbanic acid.

Now the question arises:

What is the difference between Coumarin compounds and Galbanic acid in Hing?

Coumarin compounds, which are also known as Hing bitterness, have an insect-repellent effect, but Galbanic acid can be used in the fight against pests and diseases.

Hing side effects

There has been no report of the toxic effects of eating this plant except for allergies and skin sensitivity for people who are allergic to the family of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) plants.

But in one case, prescribing an unknown dose of Hing to a five-week-old baby to treat intestinal colitis caused a decrease in blood hemoglobin.

The amount of Hing (Heeng) consumption is not known, but in traditional Indian medicine, 200 to 300 mg per day is prescribed to treat gallstones and kidney stones.

According to a study conducted in one of Iran’s prominent universities; if more than 25 mg of Pure Row Hing is used daily, it will have cytotoxic effects on the digestive system.

It is also stated in a report; Daily consumption of 50 to 100 mg of Hing causes seizures in people with nervous problems.

With the help of this article, you realized that the administration of Hing has extensive pharmacological effects on humans and animals.

Of course, it is important to mention that the use of Heeng (Hing) as medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases requires additional clinical trials.

Be with Phaidyme Company.


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